Month: February 2019

Make them laugh. Make them remember…

We all love a good joke.  And although some of us might forget the punchline, we usually remember what the joke was about! When using graphics during facilitation, training or team meetings inject a bit of humour and see how it increases engagement.  People will also remember it longer. During a conference where digital lockers […]

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Some thoughts on change

First published on in Feb 2019 Change in any organisation is sometimes exciting, sometimes scary, but mostly unavoidable. It’s going to happen and avoiding some of the pitfalls can make things easier. Here are a couple of thoughts from my experience of change in organisations. Tell a story. As John Kotter says in his […]

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How to ask great questions

As children we ask questions until our parents’ ears explode!  But as we get older we stop asking questions.  Maybe it’s because we stop wanting to learn?  Maybe because we stop being curious?  Maybe because we don’t want to appear stupid? Asking questions is a powerful way to create new insights and unearth limiting assumptions.  […]

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Learn, un-learn, re-learn, repeat In October 2017 I was sitting in the reception room of the music department at Wits University.  I was sweating profusely, not just because of the heat of the day, but because of overwhelming anxiety.  In 10 minutes, I was scheduled to go into the exam room to play my Grade 2 violin exam.  I [...]
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