4 ways to develop yourself this year

  I love learning. In fact, it’s one of my strengths in the Gallup Strengthsfinder.  So, personal development is always a priority for me. Here are a couple of ideas on how you can develop yourself this year. Use our template to plan. What skills do you need in order to achieve your goals this […]

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3 Things to do to start 2022 with a bang!

We are what we do everyday. I got to the end of last year and realized that I had spent more time working and less time doing the stuff that I really wanted to do. I have the right intentions – I want to spend more time with my family, more time reading books, more […]

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How to be the worst facilitator in the world – Episode 4

Because we can learn a lot from others that have boldly gone (excuse the split infinitive) where other facilitators fear to tread, it is time for the next episode in the series.  Learning how NOT to do something, is as important as learning to do it correctly. In the spirit of trying to be the […]

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Learner increases marks by 60% using pictures to study

Aaron[1] in Grade 7 increased his marks for History and Geography from 10% to 70% in one term using pictures to learn.  Impossible, you say?  Nope.  Here’s his story. At the end of term 1 with a History and Geography mark of 10% Aaron’s mom, Theresa[2], was very worried.  The school called her in to […]

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How to be the worst facilitator – Episode 3

Because we can learn a lot from how NOT to do things – like the editor who turned down JK Rowling or the guy who left The Beatles just before they became famous – I am spending some time thinking about how to be the worst facilitator in the world.  Obviously with the goal to […]

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How to be the worst facilitator in the world – Episode 2

There is much to be learned from doing it wrong.  History is strewn with the bodies of heroes and leaders who thought that they could rely on their experience and reputation – General Custer thought he could fight Sitting Bull’s army of 3,000 warriors with 250 men (he died in the ensuing massacre), Napoleon being […]

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How to be the worst facilitator in the world

We are all fascinated by success.  It takes dedication to achieve the highest level in your field.  It takes years of practice and honing your skill.  It’s something to revere. But… what fascinates me even more is getting it completely wrong.  The people who are the worst at things – now that’s really interesting.  I […]

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Use a picture to tell the story

A thousand words I’m fascinated with visual metaphors. A picture is a great way to explain a concept.  The picture above is a visual metaphor that I designed with a client to explain the role of the coach (the blue person) in making sense of the conversation of the coachee (the red person). We were […]

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Make them laugh. Make them remember…

We all love a good joke.  And although some of us might forget the punchline, we usually remember what the joke was about! When using graphics during facilitation, training or team meetings inject a bit of humour and see how it increases engagement.  People will also remember it longer. During a conference where digital lockers […]

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